On 14th September 2019, we celebrated our 33 year anniversary at Green Street Green Baptist Church. There were talks by the Chair of Trustees, the Director of Counselling and one of the counsellors.
The celebration also included worship songs, prayers and all followed by tea, coffee, sandwiches and cakes.
The decoration
Birthday cake
The trustees from left to right Brian Ko, Jacqueline Ko, Sheila Simmons (Director of operations) and Michelle Wright
Sheila speaking on the genesis of OCCS
Denise Peart describing the experience of being an OCCS counsellor
The musicians carrying on the celebratory note
Praised the Lord!
Sheila representing us to receive the blessings
We thanked Sheila for her dedication and for the organisation
......... and afternoon tea
The Blessing by Rev. David Wood
Orpington Christian Counselling Service, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bless you to be fruitful and multiply. I bless you to be like the mustard tree that Jesus spoke of, which grew from a small seed to grow and become a haven for the birds – may you continue to bloom and be testimony to the life-giving nature of the kingdom of God and a haven of his peace for those whom He sends to you. May you be like the tree planted next to the river of life, whose roots drink from the living water; may you not fear when heat comes because your leaves are always green. May you have no worries in a year of drought and never fail to bear lasting fruit.
May each one of your counsellors and staff enjoy an ever-increasing sense of God’s presence with them wherever they are; and may your sphere of influence claim more and more ground for the Kingdom of God. May you be healed in your own bodies and souls as you stretch out your welcome to those who are themselves wounded and broken.
May your administration find favour with whomever the LORD causes you to deal with - and any necessary transactions and arrangements be swift and trouble-free.
May your clients recognise that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World and that His hand is reassuringly upon you. May they find themselves able to open up and to listen and hear Jesus’ voice through your ministry.